Personal injury Case in the Winter Months
02/12/2019 ~ Tom Zimmerman
Harsh weather in the winter can turn sidewalks and roads into hazardous icy paths. Black ice is particularly dangerous, as it is much more difficult to see. If these areas are not properly treated, they can lead to an injury. If you are injured in a slip and fall as a result of negligence, contact a...
FAQ’s About Individual Claims
01/24/2019 ~ Tom Zimmerman
If you have recently used a product or service that resulted in you being injured or a victim of fraud you may feel threatened and violated, but you do not have to feel helpless. The Consumer Bill of Rights states consumers have the right to safety, to be informed, to choose, to be heard, to satisfa...
Gaining Licensure in the New Year
01/07/2019 ~ Tom Zimmerman
The new year can bring changes both personal and professional. If you are seeking to start the new year off by becoming licensed in the State of Illinois in your profession, there are many steps you must be aware of before you begin the process. To best understand the process, it is recommended you ...
What is the False Claims Act?
12/27/2018 ~ Tom Zimmerman
The Federal False Claims Act is an effective way to ensure the federal government is not a victim of fraud. In 1986, there were further amendments to the False Claims Act due to the accounts of abuses in the defense contracting industry. Since the amendments were passed, the act has become the feder...
Grounds for a Class-Action Lawsuit
12/27/2018 ~ Tom Zimmerman
You’ve likely heard of a class action lawsuit, but are you familiar with the conditions that must be met in order to file such a lawsuit? Our business litigations lawyers in Chicago have years of experience with class action lawsuits and the approach to take to have a successful case. Here is more...